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ANDY Voice Assistant (FREE) 13.1x
This is a free version of ANDY (VoiceAssistant).ANDY is an intelligent personal assistant, knowledge navigator andvoice control software designed for Android devices(phones/tablets) with the fast growing user base (hundreds ofthousands users & almost 50 thousand paying customers).Andy can send text messages, initiate phone calls, give youdirections and literally answer pretty much any question you throwat him. It covers most of Wikipedia information, but you can alsoask about weather and time, get answers to algebra questions, dounit conversions. It's smart enough to answer questions even ifEnglish is not your first language, it's design to extract the mostrelevant information.To ask a question or to give a command, tap the microphone buttonon the application home screen. Alternatively, you may give yourdevice a little shake (this requires enabling the Shake Recordingoption) or simply just type your question manually to get theanswer. Andy will recognize your voice and speech, search for thebest possible answer and read it back to you in a clear voice. Theanswer will also be displayed on your device screen with additionaldetails, including videos, urls and more description you can readif you feel like it.Additionally, Andy also works with most A2DP Bluetoothheadsets.Just to name some of its voice features:- Ask any question- Call anyone in your address book- Send email messages by voice- Text message by voice & read your latest messages- Get celebrity and famous people info- Movie and Music questions- Open installed Android Applications- Control Android features and functions- Browse Internet using voice- Use calendar- Get coordinates and location details (down to an address)- Currency conversions and live exchange and stock rates- Word definitions- Covers device hardware details- Get directions to a nearest place (restaurants, stores,etc)- Supports distance measurements (from one place to another)- Query live flight status- Ask about coming holidays- Provides interesting facts (science, medical, etc.)- Support for live gold, silver, platinum and palladium spotprice- Ask any math related question- Translate any English word or sentence to over 60 languages- Play music on your device, etc.You can even teach Andy your name, set alarms & wake up times,set reminders, get sport results, get sunset/sunrise (for anycity), get date and time in any world city, calculate restauranttips, and more...You can even ask questions such as: 'Do I need an umbrella?', orask Andy to how to spell words.Give us a try!Full list of all features is at: ANDY (full version today) - Single payment & all future appupdates free of charge (no subscriptions): video demo on YouTube: Andy (Voice Assistant for Android), while similar in itsfunctionality and often compared to Google Now, Apple or MicrosoftCortana products, is not approved by, sponsored, affiliated,associated, authorized, endorsed by in any way officially connectedwith Google Inc., Apple Inc. or Microsoft Corporation.--Flippa: f05d603ddd
MP4 Video Merger 1.6
MP4 Video Merger is a simple app that allowsyou to easily join (merge) multiple short Android mp4 videos into asingle long video.It's a simple process:- Select videos- Select the order in which they should be joined together- Press the 'Merge' buttonThat's all! Easily join (merge) multiple MP4 videos together injust couple of touches.Final video product can then be saved or shared with yourfriends (uploaded to YouTube, Facebook, etc.).Merging videos up to 15 MB in size is free, or upgrade tounlimited app with no ads in one single payment!
Duplicate Image Finder 2.0
Duplicate/Similar Image Finder can detect all duplicate images(photos or pictures) located on your Android device. Applicationscans selected folders & sub folders, and detects not onlyexact duplicates, but also those images which are visually similar(based on configurable visual similarity setting - similaritypercentage).Main purpose of Duplicate/Similar Image Finder is to find allduplicate and similar images and help you organize your imagecollections without manually browsing through thousands of photosvisually comparing all your photos. This way you can save valuabledisk space as well as precious time. App is provided free ofcharge, with optional advertising removal charge.Duplicate/Similar Image Finder scans quickly through thousandsof images which are then grouped/organized, in order for you toremove those duplicate/similar photos taking space on your mobilephone or tablet.In order to be efficient, we're using very advanced algorithmsto find these duplicate images. We mimic and replicates exactlywhat a human would do in order to find images which are comparablein a visual way. Duplicate/Similar Image Finder can identify suchduplicate images even if they are in different image formats andsizes.In order to allow higher degree of configuration,Duplicate/Similar Image Finder allows you to specify a percentageof image similarity that will be used during the scan. Higher thepercentage, less similar (duplicate) photos will be found. As we'vementioned earlier, once the scan process is finished, our app willdisplay all duplicate images categorized into groups and then letyou to select duplicate images for either preview or deletion.In such simple way you can clean up your collection of photos orimages from all duplicate files. We support most popular imageformats and provide very intuitive user interface which lets younavigate the screens without a need for reference to a lengthydocumentation/manual.Due to its innovative and optimized algorithms we're currentlythe fastest and the most precise product of this type on theAndroid market.Features:- Find all similar and duplicate images in user specified foldersusing visual comparison feature- Scan entire device for similar and/or duplicate images- Find exact duplicate image files using fast algorithm (select100% similarity)- Finds all possible duplicate images- Get information about each image (date time taken, size,etc.)- Find duplicates in different color schemes (grayscaled, varioushues, etc.)- User can adjust the percent of image similarity- Show preview for original and duplicate images- Duplicate images can be deleted permanently- Supports many image file formats- Very intuitive interface--Requirements: OpenCV library. Our software will automaticallyprompt you to download OpenCV library upon first opening of theapp.Note: Processing huge amount of images may take time and isdepended on your Android hardware.Please consider supporting this free app by purchasingAdvertising Removal through in-app build process.--Organize images and save valuable disk space!
APost: Schedule Instagram Post 1.1
APost is the simplest way to schedule posts on Instagram.It's all done in 3 easy steps:- specify the message- attach image (optional)- post immediately or use our scheduling feature to specify thedate and time for each post- additionally you can always review the history of all posts oramend the existing scheduled items
Cleaner for WhatsApp 1.5
Using WhatsApp for chatting, sharing images, audio, video and voicenotes, will over time take a real toll on your Android device. Itwill not only impact the performance of your Android device, butalso dramatically cut down on space you'd otherwise use for takingpictures & videos or use for storing books, music and moviesfiles.But it doesn't have to. Try our brand new app - UltimateWCleaner for WhatsApp. It's Free!NOTE: ❖ WCleaner is not approved by, sponsored, affiliated,associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officiallyconnected with WhatsApp Inc.DETAILS:WCleaner for WhatsApp is a housekeeper, making sure that things aretidy and functioning at their best, it'll allow you to reclaim thespace taken by WhatsApp files.WCleaner will clean your device of all space consuming WhatsAppfiles, such as received and sent images, audios, videos, voicenotes, profile pictures and other databases taking precious space.Our app will allow you to keep your device fresh, fast and clean byeither doing a manual or automatic clean-ups! We also supportscheduled clean ups and clean ups based on the memory limits youcan set for each type of data (image, audio, video, voice notes,etc.)WCleaner Features:- Beautiful dashboard designed to clean WhatsApp data all at oneplace.- Elegant Content Representation (Thumbnail view)!- See all Images, Videos, Audios, Voice notes, Databases ofWhatsApp in place.- Space Occupied Statistics for each data type.- One Tap Clear All button - or - Clear contents of eachcategory!- Move WhatsApp content to SdCard!...* Image loading is 50% faster compared to using a regulargallery.* View only WhatsApp content, share it with others or clear/freeit* Advanced Clean up option!
App Safety Checker (Free) 1.3
App Safety Checker (App Safety & SecurityMonitor) is a free application to automatically check allapplications installed on your device for a possible securityrisks. App looks at every app permission and gives each app a riskrating: High, Medium & Low, and provides deep explanation ofthe risk associated with all apps installed on your device.Review mode shows all applications installed on your Androiddevice in an easy to see list sorted by security risk, along with asimplified list of required permissions and associated securityrisks.In order to prevent security risk, application not only monitorsall installed and updated apps in a real time mode, but also allowsyou to delete applications which you don't consider safe.Check all your Android apps for a potential security risk!
ANDY Voice Assistant (PRO) 13.1x
This is a full professional versionofANDY(Voice Assistant).Get ANDY today - Single payment & all future appupdatesfreeof charge (no subscriptions)!ANDY is an intelligent personal assistant, knowledgenavigatorandvoice control software designed for Androiddevices(phones/tablets)with the fast growing user base (hundredsofthousands users &almost 50 thousand paying customers).Andy can send text messages, initiate phone calls,giveyoudirections and literally answer pretty much any questionyouthrowat him. It covers most of Wikipedia information, but youcanalsoask about weather and time, get answers to algebraquestions,dounit conversions. It's smart enough to answer questionsevenifEnglish is not your first language, it's design to extractthemostrelevant information.To ask a question or to give a command, tap themicrophonebuttonon the application home screen. Alternatively, youmay giveyourdevice a little shake (this requires enabling theShakeRecordingoption) or simply just type your question manually togettheanswer. Andy will recognize your voice and speech, searchforthebest possible answer and read it back to you in a clearvoice.Theanswer will also be displayed on your device screenwithadditionaldetails, including videos, urls and more descriptionyoucan read ifyou feel like it.Additionally, Andy also works with mostA2DPBluetoothheadsets.Just to name some of its voice features:- Ask any question- Call anyone in your address book- Send email messages by voice- Text message by voice & read your latest messages- Get celebrity and famous people info- Movie and Music questions- Open installed Android Applications- Control Android features and functions- Browse Internet using voice- Use calendar- Get coordinates and location details (down to an address)- Currency conversions and live exchange and stock rates- Word definitions- Covers device hardware details- Get directions to a nearest place (restaurants, stores,etc)- Supports distance measurements (from one place to another)- Query live flight status- Ask about coming holidays- Provides interesting facts (science, medical, etc.)- Support for live gold, silver, platinum andpalladiumspotprice- Ask any math related question- Translate any English word or sentence to over 60 languages- Play music on your device, etc.You can even teach Andy your name, set alarms & wakeuptimes,set reminders, get sport results, get sunset/sunrise(forany city),get date and time in any world city,calculaterestaurant tips, andmore...You can even ask questions such as: 'Do I need an umbrella?',oraskAndy to how to spell words.Give us a try!Full list of all features is at: video demoonYouTube: Andy (Voice Assistant for Android), whilesimilarinits functionality and often compared to Google Now, AppleSiriorMicrosoft Cortana products, is not approvedby,sponsored,affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by inanywayofficially connected with Google Inc., Apple Inc.orMicrosoftCorporation.
APost: Schedule Twitter Post 1.1
APost is the simplest way to schedule posts onTwitter.It's all done in 3 easy steps:- specify the message- attach image (optional)- post immediately or use our scheduling feature to specify thedate and time for each post- additionally you can always review the history of all posts oramend the existing scheduled items
DuckDNS Client (Dynamic DNS) 1.4
DuckDns Update Client for Android(Android Update Client for does it do?DuckDns Updater is an Android application (service) that allows youto keep dynamic hostname’s IP address of your Android phone ortablet up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service. DuckDnsUpdater application periodically checks your external network’s IPaddress and if it detects that IP address of your Android devicehas changed, it will update the hostname setup in your DuckDnsaccount with a new IP address. That way you can always reachexternal services running on your device. Our application startsthe service automatically on Android boot and runs in thebackground. Once you configure it, you no longer have to worryabout it, it does everything automatically.Why do I need this update client?Your device has a dynamic external IP address which changes quiteoften (weekly or even daily). This can make it very difficult toconnect to home services running on Android from an externalcomputer or another Android device. This application is for thosewant to connect to web, ftp, rdp & remote media servers - andother servers running on their Android devices.Requirements?Go to, setup a free hostname, mark down the domain nameand your token, insert it into Android DuckDNS Client (Updater) andyou’re all ready to go.Supported Platform: All Android devices (phones and tablets) withAndroid vs3.0 (HONEYCOMB) or higher.Is it really free?Yes, it’s completely free. We only include build in ads to supportour development costs.However, if you can’t resist to say thanks, use following donationurl: service is DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service similar toservices provided by: DynDNS, DDNS. no-ip, opendns, tzo, opendns,easydns and zoneedit.
Cleaner for Viber 1.4
❖ VCleaner for Viber is not approved by,sponsored, affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or inany way officially connected with Viber Inc.APP DESCRIPTION:Using Viber for chatting, sharing images, audio, video and voicenotes, will over time take a real toll on your Android device. Itwill not only impact the performance of your Android device, butalso dramatically cut down on space you'd otherwise use for takingpictures & videos or use for storing books, music and moviesfiles.But it doesn't have to. Try our brand new app - VCleaner forViber. It's Free!VCleaner for Viber is a housekeeper, making sure that things aretidy and functioning at their best, it'll allow you to reclaim thespace taken by Viber files.VCleaner will clean your device of all space consuming Viberfiles, such as received and sent images, videos, profile picturesand other databases taking precious space. Our app will allow youto keep your device fresh, fast and clean by either doing a manualor automatic clean-ups! We also support scheduled clean ups andclean ups based on the memory limits you can set for each type ofdata (image, video, voice notes, etc.)VCleaner Features:- Beautiful dashboard designed to clean Viber data all at oneplace.- Elegant Content Representation (Thumbnail view)!- See all Images, Videos, Databases of Viber in one place.- Space Occupied Statistics for each data type.- One Tap Clear All button - or - Clear contents of eachcategory!- Move Viber content to SdCard!...* Image loading is 50% faster compared to using a regulargallery.* View only Viber content, share it with others or clear/freeit* Advanced Clean up option!
E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator 1.1
E-Liquid Nicotine Calculator allows you to calculate equivalent ofhow many analog 'regular' cigarettes (in terms of nicotine) you'reinhaling when vaping on e-juice. Application also estimates monthlysavings of switching from regular analog cigarettes to vaping. Webbased version of this application is available from: This app is for everyone who's askingfollowing questions: - What Nicotine Level Should You Choose? -What Nicotine Strength Should You Choose? - E-Liquid/E-juice equalhow many cigarettes? - How much will I save by switching toe-cigarettes and vaping? APPLICATION FIELDS (description):--------- Your Daily E-Liquid Consumption: This is where you enterthe quantity of e-liquid (e-juice) for which you want to determineanalog cigarette equivalent. Typical daily consumption varies bymany factors, but on average it seems to be anywhere between 2 to 6ml of e-liquid. E-Liquids are typically sold in packages of 15, 30or 180 ml. On average, a typical: - Nano sized tank will holdapprox. 3ml of e-liquid. - Mini tanks 4.5ml - and regular sizedtanks up to 7ml of e-liquid. --------- Measurements (explained):Using metric measurements a single drop of e-liquid is typicallybeing rounded to exactly 0.05 ml (that is, 20 drops permilliliter). --------- Nicotine Absorption of your E-Liquid:Absorption of nicotine from an electronic cigarette is approx. 30%.Please note, this very much depends on your personal smoking habit,as well as on the type of vaporizer. 1st generation e-cigarettedevices yield was no more than 10%, however with the new generationvaporizers on high watt-age setting you can get a yield of over50%.")) --------- Nicotine Content of your E-Liquid: 0 mg/ml - No nicotine. 3 mg/ml  - The last level in "stepping."6 mg/ml  - Still very small nicotine level. 12 mg/ml  -Former light cigarette smokers. 18 mg/ml  - The middle of theroad in terms of nicotine.  24 mg/ml  - The high side ofnicotine, preferred by heavy smokers (1 pack per day).  36mg/ml  - The highest concentration of nicotine (formerly 2packs per day).")) Your E-Liquid (cost per ml) --------- Enteraverage cost of 1 milliliter of the e-liquid you're currentlyusing: Typically this will be around $0.40 for e-liquids on thelower end of the spectrum, while quality brands will ranginganywhere up to $1.00 per milliliter.")) Cost of Single RegularCigarette (your brand) -- Enter average cost of 1 regular 'analog'cigarette. Typically this will be around $0.50 per smoke."--------- Used to Smoke (how many reg. cigarettes a day: Enternumber of regular 'analog' cigarettes you used to smoke daily (onaverage). --------- Nicotine Yield of Regular Cigarette (yourbrand): Enter the nicotine level rating of your favourite cigarettebrand. Information can be found on the cigarette label (i.e. 1.2 mgin a medium yield cigarette). This is an actual amount of nicotine(in mg) that gets absorbed by your body.")) --------- OtherExpenses (running costs /month) This box is to enter your runningcost per month. Or in other words, how much money (on average) doyou spend every month on buying atomizers, new shiny mods or lostby wasting junk e-liquid. Total value will end up being excludedfrom your monthly savings. --------- Results are calculated asfollowing: Daily Result: You're vaping equivalent of x regularcigarettes. Monthly Result: You're vaping equivalent of x regularcigarettes. Monthly Savings: Switching to e-cigarettes saves:$x.xx/month.
Unit Converter Lite (FREE) 1.4
Unit Converter app is a unit conversioncalculator with a fantastic new design and tons of unit conversioncategories.Details;- An option of adding and removing conversion unit into yourfavourites for a quick access (good for repeatedly usedconversions).- Choose any category from a list of categories and than selectconversion unit.- You can swap selected conversion units.Unit Conversion Categories:=============- Length- Area- Volume- Mass- Density- Volumetric Liquid Flow- Volumetric Gas Flow- Mass Flow Units
- Speed- 
Dynamic Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity- Temperature Conversion FormulasIn-App Purchase unlocks:=============- High Pressure- Low Pressure,- Torque Units- 
Dynamic Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity
Contact Developer (Free) 1.3
App Contacts is an app which lists developercontacts (email and website) for all applications installed onAndroid device. It enables you to email developer of any appinstalled on your Android device, attaching exact applicationinformation to an email.Following information gets attached to email:- application name- current activity status- size in bytes- current version- date of the last updateand other details about applications installed on your androiddevice.This is particularly useful as an easy way to either contactapplication developer for support, or other purposes.App Contact also enables you to visit developer’s website for eachinstalled app.App Contacts is a compact way to list all developer contacts inone place. Give it a try!
APost: Schedule LinkedIn Post 1.1
APost is the simplest way to schedule posts onLinkedIn.It's all done in 3 easy steps:- specify the message- attach image (optional)- post immediately or use our scheduling feature to specify thedate and time for each post- additionally you can always review the history of all posts oramend the existing scheduled items
Unit Converter (PRO) 1.4
Unit Converter Pro app is a full version ofone of the best unit conversion calculators on the market. Wefeature a fantastic new design and tons of unit conversioncategories.Details;- An option of adding and removing conversion unit into yourfavourites for a quick access (good for repeatedly usedconversions).- Choose any category from a list of categories and than selectconversion unit.- You can swap selected conversion units.Unit Conversion Categories:=============- Length- Area- Volume- Mass- Density- Volumetric Liquid Flow- Volumetric Gas Flow- Mass Flow Units
- Speed- 
Dynamic Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity- Temperature Conversion Formulas- High Pressure- Low Pressure,- Torque Units- 
Dynamic Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity
News Radios Podcasts 2.8
World Newspapers, Magazines, RSS Feeds,Radios& Podcasts. All in one App, online & offline!Our app gives you a direct access to over 20 thousandnewspapersand categorized magazines from almost from over 250worldcountries; and to over 5,000 local and international radios.Wesupport RSS feeds and let you search and subscribe to thousandsofAudio and Video Podcasts. You can also save a single page orentirenewspapers on demand or on schedule for later viewing andalso savepodcasts this way. Favorite and share anything you see inthe app(including songs playing on the radio) and a lot more...Check itout!DESCRIPTION:When using our app, you can be listening to radio or podcast,whilebrowsing offline or online version of your favoritenewspaper,magazine or rss feed. It's all in our app: News,Magazines, RSSfeeds, Radios & Audio & Video Podcasts, it'sall builtin!For easy navigation, everything is categorized into 3maincategories:- Newspapers, Magazines & RSS feeds- Radios- PodcastsOFFLINE SUPPORT:This feature allows you download your most popular newspapersforexample at 5am every morning, just before your morning bus ortrainride. This way it's all ready when you wake up, so you canenjoycontent you find important without experiencing an internetlag oranywhere where you do not have the access to internet.Offline Function for Newspaper Download allows you to:- save a single page from a website or magazine forofflineviewing- schedule download of entire newspaper (all it's pages down toonelevel from the main page) for later offline viewing(Note: when using this feature, make sure newspaper inquestionallows their pages to be backed up. This is not a problemin mostof cases).Offline Function for Podcast Download allows you to:- save audio or video podcast for later viewing or listeningNote: Download of Newspapers for Offline viewing is currentlyinan experimental stage!We're aware that while the single page saving of offline pagesworkswell, some sites have issues with scheduling for completeofflinedownload. This app is brand new to market, it's free, soplease ifyou experience an issue with a certain newspaper, don'thesitate tocontact us, we'll do our best to fix the problem.OTHER DETAILS:- Close to 20 thousand world-wide newspapers and magazines in250countries (full and mobile versions)- Ability to add your own newspapers, magazines, websites orRSSfeeds to Favorites- Browse newspapers and radios by country and categories- RSS Feeds reader is included- Add any existing site to Favourites- Share content with your friends online- Integrated search for newspapers, magazines, radios,rssfeeds- Integrated podcasts search in online podcast directories- Download entire worldnews newspapers for offline viewing(singlepage or schedule entire site)- Download audio and video podcasts for later offline viewingorlistening.
Uninstall It (FREE) 2.4
Uninstall It for Android: UltimateInstallerand Uninstaller for Android apps and apk files!Uninstall It allows you to Install Apk file(s) or Uninstallanyexisting App(s) from your Android device, all with asingleclick.No need for two different apps - Install-Uninstall forAndroiddoes it all!Application features:- Installer: Install single or multiple (batch) APK files (browsetofile or search for it).- Uninstaller: Uninstall any app from your device (multi batchfileuninstalling is supported)- Auto Discovery Mode - Search & Display all Apps or Apkfileson your device- Searching By Name: Search all Apps on your device by name foreasyuninstall- Sorting: By Name (A-Z, Z-A), Size (Small to Large, Large toSmall)and Date (New to Old, Old to New)Our tool allows you to install apk and uninstall apps.Basicallyit's an installer for apk files (apk install - apkinstaller - apkfile install) and uninstaller for any installed appon your droiddevice.It really simplifies apk android install process and allows youtoinstall apk to any android device(s).All of us who tried to install apk file on a droid device, desiretoknow how to go about it easily. We know we can download apkfile(files) with contained app (application, apps) from a thirdpartymarket (or the one you've received by email or downloadedfromappbrain) and place it on your phone (card, sd card) orconnectremotely to it through (mod, pc or linux/windows computerterminaland adb), but what do we do then? It's easy, use our tool,it'lllet you install apk on any Android device (htc, samsung,nexus,etc.). Our app reduces this quite complicated process to asingleclick. Without a good apk installer for android, thiswouldn't bepossible, it'd be a tedious manual task (requiring rootandsuperuser, shell, adb etc.), and you'd probably get a lot oferrorsin the process. But it doesn't end there. Our tool also letsyouuninstall existing app (apps) on android devices (really - anyapp,even those not downloaded from Google Play store and systemapps),without using complicated default android process.Enjoy!